tirsdag den 4. december 2007

Uge 48 og 49

Kort oprids:

  • Anne Goul med på combar teamet
  • Trekantssamtaler, mangler Qaqortoq, Pamiut samt Upernavik
  • Barrierer afdækket iforbindelse med samtalerne: Sprog/dk-forlade familien til næste skoleophold.
  • Fremstille og udsende opgaven til testen d. 12.dec.
  • Orientering til mestrene og lærlingene.

Annes skrift på Combarportalen:

Hello all
Here is an update from SI. Hopefully in future you will find updates such as this with a rather higher frequency than so far.
New team member at SI:
First off, I (Anne - AGN) have been attached to the COMBAR team here on SI to help overcome one of our communication barriers in the project, namely the language barrier. My COMBAR claim to fame is that I did SI's mini-evaluation of WP 2 for the Iceland meeting. My role at the moment will mainly be to communicate about our progress with you COMBAR partners. Once the test period ends I will be responsible for making our final evaluation of the Pilot Test together with Poul.
Pilot Test Evaluation:
The Pilot test period will end on January 25th. Therefore, we have started to brainstorm on the format of our final evaluation. Because the test group is so small this will mainly be based on qualitative interviews with the different parties involved, as we believe nothing significant can really be gleaned from quantitative surveys. Although, qualitative midway interviews might have been useful, the testing has now proceeded so far that it would be redundant, considering that we will have to do interviews at the end of the Test in any case, and the learners will be returning to school right after the upcoming Christmas holidays. We do have some feedback on the testing in progress from the 3-way-talks that John has been conducting. I will be in touch with Dorin and other interested partners about developement of interview guidelines shortly.
As Poul wrote last week John has had 3-way-talks with learners and TRs in the Combar region in weeks 45 - 47. These talks worked out very well and as a result some barriers have been identified, and steps are being taken to ovecome them.
1 learner had good professional skills, but faced a language barrier as his Danish skills were poor. In collaboration between SI and OP he will now be offered to do a teacher supported e-learning course in Danish, starting when he returns to the school. The exact format for this will be worked out in the near future, and hopefully that can then be a model for similar measures in the future.
1 learner was reluctant to leave his family (wife and 2 children) for the 4 months that the next school period lasts. (geographical/social barrier). Now steps are being takenin collaboration between TR and SI to find accomodation in Sisimiut for the whole family for the duration of the school period.
1 learner had fallen behind on his joint assignments because he was missing feedback, this was discussed and he will now be supported in catching up on them.
Communication has (perhaps predictably) been a bit more difficult with the Traineeship Places outside the original COMBAR region, but John has been in touch with them all and will be conducting the 3-way-talks with them next week if all goes well.
That is all for now from SI. I'll be back with more later.


mandag den 26. november 2007

Rejse til Aasiaat og Ilulissat uge 45

Written: 23-11-2007 18:23:29

Outcome from JP´s second trip to the COMBAR-region

The learners who failed the ”test assignments at the school” are now supported and we here bye hope that they will pass the tests.

John visited the COMBAR region few weeks ago for the second time and he reports that also this time was a success.

He went to Aasiaat and Ilulissat and the purpose for trip was to support the learners, make the tree part party F2F (first time) and take the TR´s on a guided tour on the platform.

Together with the companies we have decided that each company must have a contact person.

Some bullets for tree parts party (John, TR and learners): Evaluation, how to get forward (plan), problems…,

We also wanted to out build the earlier establish network south and north for the region and this is now on a kick off stadia.

The platform runs fine, from a technical point of view, in the region and it went out good but we steel have some worries. Viscon Centra didn´t work at all in Aasiaat and in Ilullisat there was some problems with the sound.

The two Piareersarfiit centers in the region are very helpful and understandable for COMBAR.


• All the firms in the combar region are still supporting the project.
• Great connection to the local school and firms.
• Joint assignment works well and are supported bye schools and firms
• The TR. a bit of surprise over the outcome (number of barriers), of the interview taken place at SI.
• A new test will take place on the locale school (Piareersarfik) 12. December.
• SI. And OP. will soon be able to launch a Danish course for the trainees (ink by the portal).
• SI. Journey to the combar region is a must.

The COMBAR team at SI are:
John Plambek, Poul V. B. Jensen, Anne Goul, Knud Niss, Hans Kristian Olsen and Fartato Olsen.

SI will be back soonJohn and Poul

tirsdag den 6. november 2007

Besøg til Aasiaat samt Ilulissat.

I forbindelse med combarprojektet besøgte jeg Aasiaat og Ilulissat i uge 45.

Formålet var at skabe kontakt mellem de lokaleskoler, mestrene samt bygge & anlægsskolen. Etablering at et netværk der kan støtte lærlingene i praktikperioden.

Introduktion til lærlingeportalen, eksempler på koblingsopgaver samt orientering til mesteren samt de lokaleskoler.

Afvikling af trekantssamtaler i de to byer.

torsdag den 18. oktober 2007

Siden Island

At BA since the Iceland meeting
As before the COMBAR meeting in Iceland, we have continued our activities – that is to teach the learners in using and navigating on the COMBAR platform (how to use the platform, how to download and upload etc.).

The learners have worked with examples of joint assignments, whose focal point were language (translating work expressions, translating names of tools into wither Greenlandic or Danish etc.). We have applied language as a main focal point so far, as WP1 identified language as the main barrier.

The learners have also been introduced to Centra (the online communication etc. tool), and we have made contact with a traineeship responsible in order to test Centra at this traineeship place. This was, however, not a great success. ITAI is now involved helping us figuring out what the problem was/is.

Developing joint assignments: the learners received a joint assignment (about language) before they went onto their traineeship period. The learners are to hand in a possible solution to the joint assignment during this week (week 42). So far, most learners have already been online on the platform to receive counselling from the teachers.

A general contact to traineeship responsibles has begun, as is contact to LCs in Ilulissat and Aasiaat. This has succeeded surprisingly well. A lot of local counsellors are greatly devoted to the project, and they fully support the COMBAR project. A lot of learners have also contacted the LCs to use their IT-facilities during their traineeship period. This is scheduled to happen Wednesday this week 15-17 (week 42), and the plan is to arrange meetings at the LCs in every town every Wednesday from now on - if this correlates with the LCs’ opening hours and work tasks at the traineeship. We are confident that this will work well.

Mentor: in every town we have appointed a learner to be a “mentor” (6 mentors in all). The towns with mentors are: Upernarvik, Sisimiut, Ilulissat, Aasiaat, Paamiut, and Qaqortoq. The Mentors have received text books etc. in constructions and drawings, and is now responsible to help and support the other learners in the same town if they have trouble with solving tasks and joint assignments (there is only one learner in Narsaq – this is why there is no Mentor in Narsaq).

Before the learners went onto their traineeship period: on 10 October 2007 we had a “stop-test” as a normal part of the education. Unfortunately, lotto many failed the stop-test. From the COMBAR team, 6 learners failed, and on the ”normal” team, 3 learners failed. Those from the COMBAR team who failed will receive an individually designed joint assignment, which they are to solve during the present traineeship period in order to pass the stop-test they originally failed. This is where the COMBAR project will stand its test. If they pass the joint assignment, then they have passed the first school term - if they fail, then they have to do the school term all over again.
All learners, including those who passed the stop-test, have received a drawing-assignment, which they are to hand-in next week (week 43). These drawing-assignments will be corrected, and the teachers will then make an individual joint assignment to each specific learner.

Log-book: every week all learners are to write in the log-book on the COMBAR platform. This is also where they are to hand-in the translations about work-expressions etc.

All learners evaluated the COMBAR period at the end of their school stay. The learners’ evaluation can be downloaded below soon.

Before starting their traineeship period (week 42), learners have received: USB with drawing programmes (just for fun, as the drawing assignments are to be handed-in by hand), a headset to be used on the COMBAR platform, joint assignment, drawing assignments.

On Wednesday this week (week 42), John has a meeting at the local LC to make sure everybody knows what to do.
From now on at BA

We will soon begin holding three party conversations. The three party conversations will be based on the documents made by Per & Mette.

We will contact the traineeship responsibles and the local LCs. This is especially important in respect to those learners who did not pass the stop-test.

On Wednesdays from 15-17, the learners are to log on the COMBAR platform. The first time mainly to tell us that they can get online, and that everything is working.

BA evaluation of the COMBAR project so far. Sometime during next week (week 43), we will conduct an internal evaluation about the COMBAR project and progress so far in WP4 (what have worked well, what have not worked well etc.). Also, we will plan the next important steps to be taken in WP4.

We will also make two Centra tests – two Centra tests with local LCs in Aasiaat and Sisimiut, and two other Centra tests with traineeship responsibles in Aasiaat and Sisimiut.
Successes so far: the learners’ involvement and the way in which they have worked with the COMBAR project from the very beginning have been a success. Unfortunately some of them failed the stop-test, but now the COMBAR project has a chance to aid the learners in overcoming these barriers. The traineeship responsibles and the local LCs have also been a success. Their involvement and their positivism have been vital for the work conducted so far in WP4.

Not a success so far: what has lacked so far at BA in WP4 is a general planning of the COMBAR work. This is vital and it has to be improved as too much load of work has been put on too few people. If this is not improved, there is a chance that much important work in WP4 will not be done. This is not because the COMBAR project is not viewed as important or interesting – it is simply a matter of time constraints and too much other “normal” work that also have to be carried out simultaneously.

A suggestion: the project leader should have authority to plan the COMBAR work, and, in addition, authority to plan his or her other work tasks that also has to be carried out.

John Plambek

fredag den 21. september 2007

Combar-dag - fredag d. 21. september

Lærlingene kan det der med dokumenter og opgaveaflevering nu. Hans Kristoffersen havde travlt med at hjælpe med det faglige, mens det ekstra personale var overflødigt meget af tiden.

Over middag besluttede vi os til at introducere Centra for at udnytte den overskydende tid. Så kan det ellers nok være, at vi fik en påmindelse om at al begyndelse er svær – især med IT. Vi styrtede rundt hele eftermiddagen og fik det til at virke i sidste øjeblik. Man skal have administratorrettigheder for at installere klienten, hvilket krævede at vi hentede Rene to gange. Smartboardets højttalere virkede ikke og skolen havde hverken headset med mikrofon eller computer-højttalere til rådighed for underviserne. Til sidst fik vi dog løst problemerne vha. en AV-vogn.

Centra blev modtaget vældig pænt af lærlingene, selvom de vist fandt det mere løjerligt end egentlig nyttigt… Under demonstrationen sad Fartato på sit kontor og tolkede det Barfuss sagde i klasseværelset til grønlandsk for lærlingene, som kunne høre ham i højttalerne. Så det skulle stå klart for dem, hvad systemet kan.

Vi fik også introduceret ideen om koblingsopgaver kort, og fortalt lidt om hvad der skal ske fremover.

Det var en af de dage, hvor det ikke er indlysende at IT gør alting meget nemmere!


onsdag den 19. september 2007

Afsted til Island

De sidste to dage er fløjet afsted. Forberedelse til Island diverse møder samt planlægning af undervisning for den næste uge.

Ser frem til mødet på Island hvor jeg vil forsøge at gengive vores erfaringer her på skolen .

Brug af håndværktøj

Til at bruge og vedligeholde håndværktøj (Stemmejern i dette tilfælde), har vi i tømrerfaget brugt tapsamlinger. Selv om tapsamlinger ikke bruges så meget efterhånden, er der meget indlæring i at bruge det i undervisningen.
Det gælder opsnøring af tapper og taphuller, bearbejdning (indstemning af taphuller, savning eller stemning af tapper), samling af tapper (med nagler). Hvis opsnøring og bearbejdning ikke er foretaget korrekt, får man et dårligt resultat.
Så selv om det synes at være et tidsspilde, opøver man brugen af håndværktøj og opsnøring.

Assassorluni sakkut(ukkiat, imal. tuusat) atornissaannut, ipilluartuutinnissaannullu tunngatillugu, sanasunngornianut ilinniartitsinermi tappilerineq atorluartarparput. Tappit ulluinnarni atorneerutereeraluartut, suleriaatsinut assigiinngitsunut ilinniutaalluartarput. Tassa titartaanermut, ilanngartiterinermut, pilattornermut, katiterinermullu. Titartarnera, suliarineralu eqqunngikkunik, suliaq pitsaasumik naammassineqarsinnaanngilaq.
Taamaammat tappilerineq piffissaajaataannartut isikkoqaraluartoq, sakkut atorluarnissaannut ilinniutaalluartarpoq.


Hans Kristoffersen